User talk:Jamesy

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Jamesy, Its been a while mate. How are you? /AV/

Is there anything we can do about the rediculous pages popping up here every day? The only thing I can do is delete the content. And tell the admins, who aren't on every day. Any special commands needed to delete?

5.24.08 - I guess for an Admin, you're not on here very often. I requested adminship on the proper page, although it said there is really no point. So I'm also asking here per AdmiralDon's advice.



The page on dextrin blanks, donĀ“t know why. The view counter (on the bottom of each page) has disappeared too; I liked seeing the popularity of each page by viewing these figures. Can you fix that? Thanks mate, cheers --AdmiralDonSnider 05:57, 14 January 2010 (EST)

[edit] Bugs

Ok, i'll have a look. I am thinking of upgrading to the latest version of MediaWiki anyway and installing it on one of the new servers. Will keep you posted... cheers, Jamesy

[edit] Spam Issues and Sponsorship requests

please check your PyroguideForum PMs on messages concerning these topics! --AdmiralDonSnider 04:44, 22 March 2011 (EST)

[edit] Random pages

is there a way we can keep these random and unhelpful pages from appearing?

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